Tag Archives: Pancha Lakshanam

Qualities of a Student – Vidyaarthee Pancha Lakshanam (विधार्थी पंचलक्षणम्)

For sometime I had been thinking of writing on the qualities of ideal student. But it had to be today that I was able transform my ideas into words.
I am sure most of you might have grown up hearing following śloka
काक चेष्टा बक: ध्यानं, स्वान् निन्द्रा तथैव च ।
अल्पाहार: ब्रह्मचार्यम्, विधार्थी पंचलक्षणम् ॥
Read śloka in English below:

Kaaka-cheshTaa bakodhyaanam shvaana-nidraa tathaiva cha
Alpaahaari brahmachaari vidyaarthee pancha-lakshaNam

So what does the shloka says? What are the qualities which an ideal student should possess. The two lines above has lot to say. Which I have tried to list down as follows:

1) perseverance of a crow,
2) concentration of a swan,
3) light sleeper like a dog,
4) light eater,
5) staying away from home (means noise,emotions).

Kakcheshta means-similar to a thirsty crow who keeps struggling for water to satisfy its thirst, a student must work tirelessly to earn knowledge.

Bakdhaynam means-similar to a heron bird which meditates on its prey like a statue, a student must remain focused to earn knowledge

Swannidra means similar to a dog which sleeps very less and remains alert, a student must not become lazy and remain attentive all the time.

Swalpahaari means since food could be both nourishment as well as addiction a student must avoid eating too much.

Striyastyagi means-a student must practice self-restraince and observe celibacy.

In India, old system of education followed Gurukul system, where above qualities where stressed on.More detail about Gurukul education in India can be found here

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Posted by on 1 September, 2012 in General


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